1、个人简介 李云龙,博士,校聘副教授。于2023年4月在西北工业大学获得工学博士学位,师从教育部“长江学者奖励计划”特聘教授黄卫东和林鑫教授。2023年10月加入中北大学金属凝固控制与精确成形山西省重点实验室。主要从事高性能金属(高温合金,难熔合金,重稀土镁合金)增材制造、合金化设计、宏微观组织控制、强韧化机理分析以及高温氧化防护等方面的研究工作。主持山西省自然基金青年基金1项、作为骨干成员参与了国家重点研发计划,国家自然科学基金专项基金项目、凝固技术国家重点实验室开放课题3项。在国际顶级期刊Composites Part B: Engineering, Scripta Materialia、Corrosion Science, Journal of Materials Science & Technology、、 Journal of alloy and compound,International Journal of Refractory Metals and Hard Materials,Materials Characterization等发表论文16篇。 2、教育和工作经历 2011.09 -2015.06 佳木斯大学 工学学士 2015.09 - 2018.03 西北工业大学 工学硕士 2021.02–2021.10 National University of Singapore 联合培养 2018.03–2023.04 西北工业大学 工学博士 2023.04-2023.07 中国科学院西安光学精密机械研究所 助理研究员 2023.10-至今 中北大学 博士后 2023.10-至今 中北大学 讲师(校聘副教授) 3、研究方向 金属增材制造、合金设计、宏微观组织控制、强韧化机理分析、高温氧化防护 4、科研项目 主持山西省自然基金青年基金1项、金属凝固控制与精确成形山西省重点实验室开放基金1项、中北大学高层次人才科研启动项目;参与了国家重点研发计划“高性能金属结构件激光增材制造控形控性研究(2016YFB1100100)”、国家自然科学基金专项基金项目“激光/电解组合精确成形关键基础问题研究(51323008)”等科研课题3项。 5、学术成果 以第一作者发表的学术论文 1) Y. L. Li, X. Lin, Y. L. Hu, N. Kang, H.B. Dong, W.D. Huang, Zirconium modified Nb-22Ti-16Si alloys fabricated by laser additive manufacturing: microstructure and fracture toughness, J Alloy Compd. 2019,783:66-76. 2)Y. L. Li, X. Lin, Y. L. Hu, H.B. Dong, Q. Ma, W.D. Huang, Microstructure and isothermal oxidation behavior of Nb-Ti-Si-based alloy additively manufactured by powder-feeding laser directed energy deposition, CORROS SCI. 2020, 173:108757. 3)Y. L. Li, X. Lin, Y. L. Hu, H.B. Dong, Q. Ma, W.D. Huang,The effect of Mo on microstructure and mechanical properties of Nb-22Ti-16Si alloy additively manufactured via laser directed energy deposition,J Alloy Compd. 2020, 858:158143. 4)Y. L. Li, X. Lin, Y. L. Hu, H.B. Dong, Q. Ma, W.D. Huang, Synergistic effect of Mo and Zr additions on microstructure and mechanical properties of Nb-Ti-Si-based alloys additively manufactured by laser directed energy deposition,,2022,103:84-97. 5)Y. L. Li, X. Lin, Y. L. Hu, W.T.Yan, Jerry Ying Hsi Fuh, H.B. Dong, W.D. Huang, Precipitation behavior of Nb-Si-based in-situ composite manufactured by laser directed energy deposition, SCRIPTA MATER, 2022,207:114288. 6)Y. L. Li, X. Lin, Y. L. Hu, W. Fan, X.H. Gao, J. Yu, H.B Dong,W.D Huang. Microstructure and fracture toughness of a Nb–Ti–Si-based in-situ composite fabricated by laser-based directed energy deposition, COMPOS PART B-ENG, 2024,278,111427 7)Y. L. Li, X. Lin, Y. L. Hu, X.H. Gao, J. Yu, H.B Dong. Alloying on the high-temperature oxidation behavior of Nb-Ti-Si-based alloy additively manufactured by laser directed energy deposition. INT J REFRACT MET H, 2024,121,106682 8)Y. L. Li, X. Lin, Z.Y. Zhao, W.T. Yan, J. Yu, P.K. Bai, Investigation on the composite effect of Zr and Cr on oxidation behavior and fracture toughness of Nb-Ti-Si-based alloys manufactured by directed energy deposition, MATER CHARACT. 2024,214,114078. 6、个人荣誉 2023.12 山西省优秀博士后(第一届山西省博士后创新大赛) 2023.12 第一届山西省博士后创新大赛三等奖(排名第三)